


New starter announcement! Max Harding

So Max, welcome to team ORCA. How have your first few weeks been?

Super sick, really enjoying the work we’ve been creating and is fun to see how other people work.

Tell us a bit about yourself, what did you do before this?

I’m originally from Southampton but now I think of Bristol as my home. You’ll often find me somewhere on Gloucester Road, so hit me up. Before ORCA I worked at Halo, learnt a lot from those guys and met some friends for life there.

When did you first get into design? What inspired you to get into the industry?

I knew I wanted to be a Designer ever since school, it was the only thing I enjoyed doing and people always say do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life. I’ve also been collecting bar runners for about 10 years and I think it links to my interest in brands.

What would you say is your strongest design skill?

Thick skin and big ears, I’ve learnt not take criticism too personally when it comes to design. Naturally I care about the work I create but you can’t be too precious. The big ears thing is because I think I’m a good listener which is always helpful when working in a small team.

What type of brief do you enjoy working on most and why?

I’d say I enjoy working on brands the most, mainly because it’s the part of design that allows you to go mad and explore different ideas. But also I think i’m at my best when i’m taken out of my comfort zone, I think we are at our most creative when we are pushing the boundaries of what we know.

Who or what has been the biggest single influence on your way of creative thinking?

George Michael

Do you have any fun side projects you’re currently working on?

Been slowly growing a music inspired clothing brand called Naopako - go check it. If you want to know where the name comes from go buy a tee and i’ll tell you. Also starting to put a recipe book together with my brother, watch this space.

What other agencies are on your radar at the moment?

Always keeping an eye on what the guys at Snask are doing, they are absolutely smashing it on all levels. Also Only Studio in Manchester, the work they did for Printworks is incredible.

And any other designers, illustrators or creatives you’ve been following recently that you really rate?

Got mad love for the work Kelly Anna is doing right now, she’s awesome. Also really rate what Sports Banger is doing that guy is jokes.

Is it true you like to rate chocolate milks on your social channels?

Yeah it’s something I take really seriously and I hope to travel the world experiencing the wonderful taste of chocolate milk #chocolatemilksoftheworld

How many boats does your Dad have?

One, but my mates dad has two.

Favourite restaurant?

Burger King

What’s your personal motto?

If you look backwards you’ll trip up.

I hear you’re a part time magician. Got any more hidden skills?

I can put my legs behind my head. Bookings for both on request.

And finally, you’ve got one hour to design an ORCA inspired tea brand… GO!

What type of brief do you enjoy working on most and why?

I’d say I enjoy working on brands the most, mainly because it’s the part of design that allows you to go mad and explore different ideas. But also I think i’m at my best when i’m taken out of my comfort zone, I think we are at our most creative when we are pushing the boundaries of what we know.

Written by

James Ewin