


Launching Mosaic

It was pretty clear from March onwards, 2020 was forever to be hailed as THE year of disappointment and uncertainty. Not one person went untouched by the events that unfolded last year, so, as we reached the final few months, we were determined to end it on a high and do what we do best- spark positive change through design.

The Mosaic brand is something we’ve been evolving for the past year and a half. Before the pandemic, we were trying to figure out how the creative community could be better supported and where we could fit into this. Originally, we wanted to launch Mosaic as a social event with the goal to get like-minded people in a room together- forging last relationships and collaborative projects unique to Bristol. Unfortunately, the plans for this were swept to one side as the country went into a national lockdown.

Instead of just reacting to this news we decided to pause the project and wait to see what happened. Obviously, you all know that not much COULD happen so this is when we decided to reshape Mosaic into what it is today.

In summary, Mosaic is an online directory showcasing Bristol’s finest creative talent. We have curated a list of the city’s best and brightest creative minds, with the aim of offering a single place that people can go to browse the finest creative products available, and ultimately support our local creatives during a particularly difficult time.

While we launched the platform just in time for the Christmas trading period, we want it to continue to grow and build as we continue to navigate these uncertain waters ahead. We encourage you to go have a browse of all the amazing creatives featured on the site and support their work in any way you can. The list of creatives is growing daily and we can’t wait to share our plans with you for 2021.

Written by

Max Harding