


Goodbye to Ionatan, our summer intern

As we reflect on what has been an awesome summer so far, I sat down with Ionatan to get to know him better and to share his insight on what it's like to intern at ORCA.

Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?

I grew up in a small town in Romania. Since 2020 I've been studying Graphic Design full-time in Sunderland so for now I spend the majority of my time there.

How did you first realise you were creative?

I was intrigued by the digital creative field at an early age; I remember trying to learn Blender from tutorials when I was 13. I came across a range of digital tools that I simply liked experimenting with, this led me to work on a creative brief in college and that’s when I started to seriously consider a career in graphic design.

What would you be doing if you weren’t in graphic design?

Before deciding to be a graphic designer, I was planning on being a software engineer so that is still an option. But I would also like to explore the possibility of working in photography or videography.

What about ORCA made you want to come intern here?

I really like the work that ORCA produces and I am fully into the idea of challenging the conventional and pushing the boundaries of design. Nevertheless, I was sure ORCA is right for me after a good interview experience.

What were your first impressions of ORCA?

I remember being quite nervous in my first few days here, but I enjoyed my time at ORCA from the very beginning. I had no expectations or previous studio experience, but I found that the working in the studio is a great environment to develop in.

What were you hoping to get out of a design internship?

I was hoping to get a good understanding about the role of a designer in a studio and about the dynamics that are involved in running a design agency. I also hoped to learn the details that define the internal collaboration in a studio. I also wanted to increase my awareness when it comes to what a designer should know to fulfil their role , I feel like this insight must impact the way I approach my final year of studying.

Share one of your best experiences from your time living in Bristol

I found myself exploring Bristol by foot quite a bit during my time here, probably the best thing I explored were the Leigh Woods.

One of your favourite creative projects you’ve ever worked on

My favourite creative project has to be the open project I’ve been working on here at ORCA, particularly the interactive installations. It was a great opportunity for me to create live-rendering visuals that are not often seen or used. Also, can’t forget the foosball table design!!!

What advice would you give anyone looking for a design internship?

I think it’s essential to apply to fitting positions with carefully-built applications, rather than sending applications to studios that you don’t really see yourself fitting into. If your portfolio is rather broad, select the most relevant work for the type of studio you are trying to get into. Nevertheless, I think it’s important to show personality in your portfolio, show off with something only you can do.

What are your impressions of ORCA now?

My impressions of ORCA haven’t changed much since the beginning, but now I am familiar with everything that’s happening here. The same relaxed atmosphere helps to run the studio smoothly and everyone is super cool.

Have you got any plans for post ORCA life?

Shortly put, I am going back to uni. At ORCA I’ve learned new things that I will be using in my projects going forward. My personal goal for next year is to recreate my portfolio to reflect an improved level of creativity and stunning visuals.

To say Ionatan will be massively missed would be an understatement, his energy in the studio will be irreplaceable and we wish him the best of luck in his final year of studying. I'm confident this won't be the last we see of him.

If you're interested in being our autumn/winter ORCA intern, send your portfolios to careers@onlyorca.com and we will be in touch.

Written by

Max Harding