


Fryshuset x ORCA

Peace Leaders is a grassroots initiative which takes the UN security resolution 2250 into action. They provide training for youth in leadership, group process, project management, conflict management and empowerment.

ORCA have been chosen to develop the brand of the new Peace Leaders initiative, and will be creating an interactive portal for their staff to store content and training documents for future programmes. This portal acts as a global information hub where the wider team and course participants can learn new processes, find new training programs or session plans, and develop their skills both as a mentor and a community worker.

Fryshuset - the brains behind Peace Leaders - is often referred to as the largest youth centre in the world – but it is actually much more than that. Above all, it is a vision based on the conviction that encouragement, confidence, responsibility and understanding are necessary to enable young people to develop their innate abilities and find their way into society. Based in Sweden, Fryshuset was founded in 1984 as a result of joint efforts by the YMCA of Stockholm and other local charities.

Fryshuset's latest leadership programme, Peace Leaders, targets largely unspoken voices in today's society. There are an abundance of young people who want to make change in the world but simply lack the tools to do so which is where Peace Leaders can step in, by giving them the tools they need to make change. Fryshuset believe that international institutions like the UN should be considering the voices of the youth in their decisions, so this grassroots movement will enable those with 'no voice' to become benefactors for change, spreading from local communities, throughout parliament and so on.

The initiative, which focuses on strengthening other's knowledge with the issues of peace and security, started this month in Fortaleza, Brazil. Peace Leaders recruited and trained young professionals to be facilitators and leaders to other youths on the programme who will gain the skills they need to make an impactful change in their local community.

Today, Fryshuset appeared on Radio 4 show 'What Happened Last Night in Sweden' for the positive impact their work is having on the local communities.

Simón Cabrera Ebers - Project Manager and and Operations Development Officer at Fryshuset said:

"Our methods are developed from 30 years of practical experience, where we constantly revise and modify our models. What we provide is knowledge from real life experiences right where the issues play out."

ORCA are currently working on a brand and UI which is light, modern, fun and informal, while still showcasing the brand and content in a clear and concise voice. The result will be a modern, eye-catching brand which depicts Fryshuset as an innovative, inclusive and forward-thinking organisation, driven by creativity and change. ORCA have been working closely with the leading project directors and stakeholders to establish a brand and an image which will portray the key values of the organisation and influence involvement.

ORCA’s Managing Director, James Ewin says:

"Here at ORCA, we have always pursued inspiring projects which create change. We know that concentrating on the youth is a key part in creating change for the future, and the work that Fryshuet is doing right now, all over the world, is incredible. We feel really honoured to be entrusted with the brand development of such an inspiring initiative and hope our designs can have an impact on the project’s success. Working for passionate not-for-profits, NGO’s and other charitable organisations is the most rewarding type of work available for a brand agency."

Written by

Vicki Lee